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Digital Audio Editor is a visual audio editor and recorder software solution, which supports many advanced and powerful operations with audio data.

With Digital Audio Editor you can:

  • Open, create, and save audio files in any of the supported formats (can also save any portion of a loaded file to disk as a new file);

  • Display audio data waveform (Zoom Full, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Vertical);

  • Play audio files or any portion of the files (Play, Pause, Stop);

  • Record audio data from a microphone or any other available input device (you can record audio from DVD / VCD / CD Player, MP3 Player, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, Web Page, Internet Conversation, Internet News, Internet Radio Station and more);

  • Edit audio files visually (Cut, Copy, Delete Selection, Delete Silence, Paste, Paste From File, Mix, Mix From File);

  • Apply various effects (Amplify, Compressor, Delay, Equalize, Fade In and Fade Out, Flanger, Invert, Normalize, Phaser, Reverb, Reverse, Silence, Shrink, Stretch, Vibrato, etc.);

  • Apply different filters to any selected portion of audio files;

  • Convert an audio file from one format to another, and much more!
Supported Formats

Digital Audio Editor supports the following file formats

  • Waveform Audio (PCM Wave) Files (*.wav);

  • MPEG Audio (Various Layers) Files (*.mp3;*.mp2;*.mpeg);

  • Windows Media Audio Files (*.wma);

  • OGG Vorbis Audio Files (*.ogg);

  • CD Audio Tracks (*.cda);

  • VOX Dialogic ACPCM Files (*.vox);

  • RAW Audio Files (*.raw; *.pcm);

  • G.72x Audio Files (*.g721;*.g723;*.g726);

  • AU Unix Audio Files (*.au;*.snd);

  • AIFF Apple Audio Files (*.aif;*.aiff;*.aifc);

  • MPC Audio Files (*.mpc);

  • DSP Audio Files (*.dsp).

All Functions List
File Menu
New Create a new audio file
Open Open an existing audio file
Save Save the active audio file
Save As Save the active audio file with a new name
Save Selection As Save the selected part as a new audio file
Save Wave Image Save the main wave image to bmp file
Recent Files You can choose the last 6 recent files by choosing the menu item
Close Close current file
Exit Quit the application; prompts to save file
View Menu
Wave View Show audio data as wave format
Spectral View Show audio data as spectral format
Left Channel Enable or disable left channel
Right Channel Enable or disable right channel
Zoom In Zooms in for a more detailed view
Zoom Out Performs an operation opposite to Zoom In
Set Selection Selects a specified region for the sound file
Zoom Full Displays the entire waveform in the window
Vertical Zoom In Vertical zoom in
Vertical Zoom Out Vertical zoom out
Horizontal Scale Format > Decimcal (m:ss.dddd) Change horizontal scale format to decimcal
Horizontal Scale Format > Sample Change horizontal scale format to sample
Horizontal Scale Format > Visible Show/Hide horizontal scale
Vertical Scale Format > Sample Values Change vertical scale format to sample
Vertical Scale Format > Normalized Values Change vertical scale format to normalized
Vertical Scale Format > Decibel Values Change vertical scale format to decibel
Vertical Scale Format > Visible Show/Hide vertical scale
Frequency Analysis Show frequency analysis window
Audio Information Show audio information window
Marker List Show marker list window
Play Menu
Play Stars the playback of a part of an audio file
Play Loop Plays the selected region looped
Record Starts recording from an input source of an input device to a new audio file or to the current position of an opened audio file
Pause Stops playback and leaves the cursor at the current location
Stop Stops playback
Seek To Start Sets the cursor position to the start of the sample, and select the region
Seek To End Sets the cursor position to the end of the sample, and select the region
Edit Menu
Undo Undo the last action
Redo Redo the previously undone action
Cut Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard
Copy Copy the selection and put it in a temp file
Paste Insert copied contents
Crop Deletes all data outside of the current selection
Trim Adds trim effect to the selected parts of the audio file
Paste From File Insert contents from a audio file
Mix Mixes the selected part of an audio file with copied contents
Mix From File Mixes the selected part of an audio file with another file
Insert Silence Inserts some silence into the file at the start marker
Delete Deletes the selected part of an audio file
Silence Selection Silences the selected region
Select All Select the entire data
Operation Menu
Channel Converter Mix left/right channels
Delete Silence Deletes silence from the selected part of an audio file
Fade In Fades in over the selected region
Fade Out Fades out over the selected region
Fade Custom Fades over the selected region
Amplify Applies Amplify effect to the selected part of an audio file
Normalize Normalizes the selected part of an audio file
Vibrato Adds vibrato to the selection
Compressor Performs amplitude compression
Stretch Time Increase or decrease the speed of selected region
Pitch Shift Adds pitch shift effect to the selected part of an audio file
Delay Makes a delay effect in a selected part of an audio file
Phaser Applies phasing effect to the selected part of an audio file
Flanger Adds a flanging effect to the selection
Reverb Adds reverbration to the sound
Chorus Applies chorus effect to the selected part of an audio file
Reverse Reverses the selected part of an audio file
Invert Inverts the selected part of an audio file
Filter Menu
Notch Applies Notch Filter to the selected part of an audio file
Band Pass Applies Band Pass filter to the selected part of an audio file
Low Pass Applies Low Pass Filter to the selected part of an audio file
High Pass Applies High Pass Filter to the selected part of an audio file
Low Shelf Applies Low Shelf Filter to the selected part of an audio file
High Shelf Applies High Shelf Filter to the selected part of an audio file
Help Menu
Help Contents Displays the table of contents for the online documentation
Registration Register the software and remove the time limit
Order Online Place an online order and get the license
Support Or Bug Report Support or bug report
Home Page Go to the software homepage
About Display program information, version number and copyright
Digital Audio Editor
Release Date: Nov 30th, 2006
Download Size: 7.16MB
Purchase Price: $29.95
System Requirements
Pentium class 500 MHz processor or better
Windows® 98 SE/2000/ME/XP
128 MB RAM
30 MB HD
SVGA or higher resolution display
4x or better CD-ROM drive (for CD conversions)
Sound Card